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Locksmith Supply & Service

Medeco Key Cut By Code

Starting at: $6.00

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(Optional) Stamping on key head

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* Discounts may vary based on options above

Any Medeco key we stock custom cut to a code you provide and shipped to you.

Please read carefully! Keys are cut on an HPC 1200. Keys can be stamped at no extra charge. Stamping is done by hand, alignment quality may vary. Additional identical keys are discounted and will also be cut by code on 1200. Keys will be cut on aftermarket blanks. If you are unsure what blank you need, we can try to help. Please contact us for more information.

Code will be 5-6 digits, each with a corresponding letter to indicate angle/spacing, ordered from bow to tip. This code is almost never found stamped on the key. Examples: 1C3L2C5R2C4L (Original) or 1M3K2D4B5S6Q (Biaxial).

Note: If designing a new key from scratch, make sure you understand the MACS (Maximum Adjacent Cut Specification) thoroughly as it is extremely complicated for Biaxial keys.

Warning: The XYZ and XYZ-R blanks are designed to fit multiple keyways and are thinner than normal as a result. If used regularly, they may be prone to bending/twisting/breaking. As a result, they are recommended only for temporary/maintenance/emergency/novelty uses.
  • 1000 Units in Stock

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